Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Meyer Discussion on April 19.....Vote on May 3

At the Committee of the Whole meeting on April 19, the board will be discussing options for the Meyer pit. At the last meeting, the board presented a drawing of "Option B" in regard to creating a huge recreation area out of the pit. What Option A was, they did not say. The Village spent $16,000 for these nice drawings.

So another meeting will commence to discuss what to do with the pit.The biggest issue: Half of the pit is in Algonquin. The Village of Algonquin is considering ceding that land to Cary in exchange for some revenue sharing. We'll see.

Mark your calendars for May 3. That is when the final vote will be taken.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Next Meyer Meeting is....(drumroll) TOMORROW!

Yep. You read that right. The next time the Village Board discusses the Meyer Petition is TOMORROW night, April 5 at 6 pm.

The Village does not want you to go to this meeting, apparently.

I downloaded the Committee of the Whole Agenda from the Cary website and examined the metadata. The pdf was created on Friday.  I'm not sure when it was posted.

But then again, there was no indication that this was going to be discussed. There is nothing on the Village website, except for the agenda, which has to be downloaded in order to be viewed.

The current Cary Connection newsletter with the information about the meeting is dated April 4--the day before the meeting. Today. Thanks for the notice, Cary!

For those of us who have been around for a while, this is very typical when it comes to meetings involving Meyer Material.

So we need to go to this meeting. We need to say the same things we said at the other village board meeting.

The Committee of the Whole meeting is at 6pm on Tuesday, April 5. Then, the mayor will update the Village Board at the meeting at 7:30. The final vote will be taken on April 19.

Hope to see you at the meeting tomorrow!