Friday, May 25, 2007

Welcome to the Stop the Quarry in Cary Website

After this week's meeting with Meyer Material Co. and the Village of Cary's Zoning Board, we decided that it was time to raise some voices. We do not feel that the proposed quarry is in the best interest of the citizens of Cary, Illinois.

We need to organize.

We need to let the Village know that this proposal is not acceptable.

We need to educate the community about the negative impact of the plan submitted by Meyer Material Company.

We need your help.

Sign the petition and check back often for updates.

Contact us at if you would like to get involved.


Bill Comstock said...

"Stop the Quarry's" views and questionable statistics are typical NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) comments. The end moraines of the last glacial age deposited huge gravel deposits in south eastern McHenry County. Collecting and distributing these deposits has been a major economic endeavor in the area for over 150 years.

"Stop the Quarry" wants this vital resource to be quarried elsewhere. This is a non- sensible argument. Resources must be gathered from the place nature placed them.

"Stop the Quarry" claims gravel mining has adverse health effects. No creditable scientific evidence or research is cited support this contention. Anecdotal evidence suggests that a farming neighbor could raise far more dust that a gravel pit operator, but those farmers make lousy neighbors, too.

Stop the Quarry" suggests that gravel recovery operations have adverse impact on real estate values. Obviously, in the recent scheme of things, land in question has more value as a gravel procurement operation than as farmland or a residential and commercial real estate. This hardly indicates a depression of neighboring real estate values.. In addition the gravel operations and environs often become even greater economic and social values to their communities after the gravel resources have been extracted.

CJanu said...

I don't think it's non-sensible when this land was zoned for residential purposes only. Residents were here first. Quarry can go elsewhere.

Why did Meyer purchase this land with it's current zoning classification? A grand plan all along??

Anonymous said...

A quick reminder to Bill, There is gravel under your house. Shall we mine it there?